The 12 Barons of Christmas
Our creative team jumped at the chance to customise their own Christmas-themed Baron to celebrate our own take on the 12 days of Christmas.
Date published: 04 August 2022 Updated: 13 December 2024
Christmas Shopping Baron by Jayne…
He's left it to the last minute again, but it's late night shopping and he has a list…make sure you keep those receipts!
Baron Elf by Damien…
Christmas wouldn’t be Christmas without Elf, the greatest Christmas movie ever… even a “cotton-headed ninnymoggins” knows that! An Elf Baron just had to be part of the line up!
Baron von Sprout by Lorne…
A little ditty by Baron von Sprout!
You may think that sprouts are horrid
All mushy, wet and green
And when we dine
They give us wind
The worst there's ever been.
But sprouts a festive Christmas make
When served up from the heart
Add a chestnut here and there
And hear the Barons 'parp'.

Pantomime Baron by Laura B…
It’s a panto dame…Oh no it’s not, it’s a panto baron!
Christmas Tree Baron by Liam…
Another thing men worry about…the size of their tree!
Darth Vader Baron by Mike…
May the force be with you this Christmas.
Father Christmas Baron by Simon…
Father Christmas has the right idea…visit people only once a year!! (bah humbug).
Christmas Present Baron by Jayne…
An oddly shaped gift perfectly wrapped. I wonder what it is?

The Queens Speech Baron by Joseph…
Tradition on the day. It's 3pm…are we all awake?
The Christmas Jumper Baron by Sy…
Oh no…not another knitted jumper from Gran!
Christmas Pudding Baron by Rhona…
Found on every Christmas table, this baron (like his mother) is looking rather rotund these days…but there’s always room for pudding!
Snowman Baron by Simon…
I’m walking in the air…dreaming of a white Christmas.